- Update Documentation (ongoing
- integrate publish_docs into azure-pipelines.yml
- update workflow chart and Diagrams
- update commit flow example
- Build MkDocs for main branch as well as stable branch, not sure if this will need the mkdocs-plugin
to work properly or if I can have more Environments in GitHub-Pages (for free...).
Currently I am building MkDocs in main Branch as well, but not publishing it, to make sure it is buildable before allowing a PullRequest to be merged.
- use variables for default parameters in pipeline-templates
- create branch dependent variable templates (done for main)
- select correct template by destination branch
- use a naming convention
- maybe even test if it is applied by using kind of RegEx
- update bicep template
- add a KeyVault to store:
- application Insights
- secret
- connection string
- application Insights
- add a KeyVault to store:
Maybe unnecessary¶
- Overwrite YAML Triggers for Main pipeline (azure-pipeline.yml) to prevent running it from other Branches (still open since unsure if even necesarry)
- Add Check to PR-Validation ,before building the WebApp, to see if the Resources already exist, since keys get read out while building the App, which is failing if they don't exist at all
Since the Human Brain not always works as well as cloud-storage, I will write down some Ideas here. This also has the Advantage that other's could directly correct or improve them, or maybe even take advantage from them as well
- create a src older and move submodules of mkdocs-material and django_webapp into it
- search/replace old file path with the new one
- auto-complete pull requests
- maybe based on tags
Last update: